Sunday, August 27, 2017



Either Mormonism is separate and different from historic and orthodox Christianity or the Mormon god is a liar, since he told Joseph Smith that no other church was the right or true Church. Actually, Mormonism is different (a cult) and their god is still a liar.

Don't forget, the Mormon god also told Joseph Smith that the Eternal Covenant was polygamy, but then he changed his mind, just so Utah could become a state.

I don't make this stuff up. It is recoded history.

The history of Mormonism is so twisted and bazaar that it sounds like stories people make up to put Mormonism in a bad light. I makes it hard to believe the facts about Mormonism because there are smart, socially stable people who are Mormons. There are doctors, lawyers, politicians, educators who are Mormon. It does not matter. The facts of Mormonism's history are not only non Christian theologically, but untenable when examined in the light of history.

Mormonism teaches that God, the Father (not referring to Christ), was once a man, as we are men, but He became God. Mormonism teaches that we, as men, can become gods, just as God supposedly became a god. In fact, Mormonism teaches that God the Father had a father. They will flat out lie to your face by saying they believe there is only one god, but when they are pressed and held to their own teachings, they finally admit that they believe there is more than one god. Maybe not all Mormons will say this, but those who are familiar with Mormon doctrine do believe these things.

Yet, we are supposed to feel guilty because we say that Mormonism is not part of Christianity. Remember, Mormonism started out (in the 1800's) saying that historic Christianity (from the time of the apostles) was not true Christianity. Mormonism separated itself from the Church from the beginning.

Popular Mormons, like Beck and Romney will scoff at these accusations, but that only proves the corruption and danger of Mormonism.

And here is where it gets twisted. Just because the facts are presented, concerning Mormonism, it is misinterpreted to mean that Bible believing Christians are Mormon haters. Bible believers love Mormons, Muslims and all others who are not Christian. Being honest about other people's beliefs does not make a person a bigot. In fact, I would say that bigotry lies about the facts in order to maintain a public persona.

Here is something to consider. If Beck, Romney and other Mormons present their faith with a false face (false doctrines), is it because they are totally ignorant of their own belief system or because they are deliberately deceiving others. Either way, it makes these men dangerous and untrustworthy.

On the other hand, if someone asks me about my beliefs, I do not hide them or misrepresent those doctrines. If I am wrong, I am wrong with certitude and honesty. Of course, the Scripture determines whether we are right or wrong. But even an errant man can be honest and consistent.

Mormons need to be open and honest about their religion and let the chips fall where they may. After all, if they are ashamed of their beliefs, they should change their religion.

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