Sunday, August 27, 2017



Two essential ingredients for a well rounded and meaningful life. God designed us to be both UNIQUE and SOCIABLE; and He gives us help in developing both our Individuality and Interactive skills.

I posted this because I see so many people who either retreat into a private existence of self absorption and anti-social behavior or are carried away by mob-mentality and peer pressure. While a person may become comfortable in either extreme, he never reaches his full potential as a person and he limits his usefulness in serving God.

Part of the function of a healthy family and a healthy church is the development of both areas of life.

The "loner" or "lone wolf" tends to be narrow and rejects outside influences, even when those influences are beneficial. The "social butterfly" tends to be such a people pleaser that he abandons values and practices that are unpopular, even when they are absolutes established by God.

The Bible addresses both positions and gives appropriate counsel. Churches that are following the Bible are able to help parishioners grow into well rounded and well grounded believers.

However, it is still up to the individual to take advantage of God's truth and grace. Work out your own salvation; grow in grace and knowledge.

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