Tuesday, August 29, 2017

10/19/11 Seniors Home (45 present)...

10/19/11 Seniors Home (45 present)...

The Church provides many things; food, housing, clothing, medicine, education, shelter for the abused, care for the pregnant, support for the downtrodden, fellowship for the lonely, etc. But then, others address the same needs. Only the Church can offer eternal life, preparation for death, hope for the dying, comfort for survivors, to people of all ages.


There are two ways to depart; Blastoff (rapture) and Running Out of Time (death). We should be ready for either one.

Running out of time (pending departure by death) should cause us to give our best remaining effort to the task at hand, to love without reservation while we have the opportunity.

Departure is sad for the one left behind, but joy for the one who goes to be with the Lord. There should be excitement; as our earthly concert comes to an end; in the last minutes of our earthly endeavor; before we are separated from a loved one in death.

Though the average age in my church is (26), my message is the same to them (even the little children, 3-8 years old) as it is to those who live at the Manor (average age probably in the 80's). Death is a common and coming reality for everyone, BE READY.

(The Vest family was with us last evening. The seniors really enjoy having the children... AND... it is good for the children to be with the seniors and to see the ministry to the elderly. If you have children and your church has a seniors ministry, don't rob the seniors or your children [or yourself], take your children to meeting.)

At our departing we will leave behind this Feeble Life (Bible, 1 Co. 15:42-43 and mentioned in Just A Closer Walk With Thee). Our feeble life is not just old age; we are feeble when we are born. All of this earthly life is feeble.

Our resurrection is not just the raising of an old, tired body, or the raising of a revitalized earthly body; we will be raised in glory, bright shining as the sun (Bible, Pr. 4:18; Da. 12:2-3; Mt. 13:43; Ph. 3:21 and mentioned in Amazing Grace), like His body. Our resurrection body will be far more glorious than we can imagine.

Paul referred to his departing; 2 Tm. 4:6-8. I highlighted (*) several points in the passage.
2 Timothy 4:6-8
(6) For I am now ready to be offered, and the time of *my departure is at hand.
(7) I have *fought a good fight, I have *finished my course, I have *kept the faith:
(8) Henceforth there is laid up for me a *crown of righteousness, which the Lord, *the righteous judge, shall *give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto *all them also that love his appearing.

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